swords and relentlessness



 , the movements' attic
 contained containing


the continent leadings from temple to temple

 , continents as one single thing
 jumping condition


plural genitives

pluara genitalia

 , skincribing

the recontenting


 , insides
 and insees

 within the these

the miscontinent reading

over mountain and temple
 , sriveride and hudsonshore

the attictaining

and short amounts of words
divised and returned

 of poolreading and poolwriting

 , pooling

in atticraining

rereading proofs

 , and kommas additionals 

 filtering endings and beginning and middles

beginning middles

and middled innings

 , mountainais

 worlds and incidents

one infinite cell

of mountainous temps and temples

 , templous srounds
 rinnings and runs

 naming lands


the countainuous

the countenance

the counterness

 , and lessnesses
 amount of word
