one drawing


this is one drawing
 , a rotation static

this is the description of one drawing

a draughtsman's quote

a rotation static

 , not moving in distance

 but a becoming

a becoming as rotation


 , the visual machine

windows weaving

 , branches
 the other branch

a draughtsman's desire

all but one drawing
 , a quoting

 , all the one drawing

from 0 to 1200
 0 -> 90
 91 -> 423
 490 > 'kalkuliert', rechner rechnet
 650 -> 657
 678 -> 'kalkuliert', rechner rechnet
 800 -> 842
 1024 > 'kalkuliert', rechner rechnet
( another drawing )

 , all the other

the thickness of a gaze

the sum

 , the unrepresentable object

 the sum of representations of the unrepresentable object

 , a set of images


 , always unread

 an impossible mathematical description of 'matter in space'

  , the undraughtsman


 , the undraughtsman caught drawing

 taking a picture

mentioning the else
 , it is like weaving

 weaving threads


, existing body and bodies

this is all over the place
 , like weaving

all over the place
 , weaving

like a becoming as rotation
all the one drawing

 , not an olive tree in amsterdam in 1538

the undraughtsman caught drawing taking a picture of the unrepresentable object

 , counting only the first

one and then

salts and seeds

all over the place weaving
