the feathered room unordering salts and seeds


the feathering space

 , the division of its center
 the permeable symbiosis of object

 turning seeds into salts
 and salts becoming seeds

radius and ating

the center of gravity dispersed over its entire volume

is it
it is
 , its bounding boxer with with feathered hands in gloves

 bowing and kneeling to physicality

 with 'with feathered hands'
 with 'with-feathered-hands'

  , diathing

centralized force
 , the center of gravity

 the point of weight as sentence 

the space between an object and itself
 , it speaks of its own division

 extruding the separation 

 anfangen und aufhören

the other of things and stasis

 , overruled and overridden 

the order of things
 , name

the order of an object
 a one object

the order of a one object
 , its looping
 its recurring self
  , its recurring self naming

 its occurred self

 , its naming

 its scheme
 its order

 , its others
