leaving the physical state of affairs



physical state

the first face
 , the outset & initial configuration

preserving the features of the faces

 the faces

  , variating creatures of connecting searches
  liquid solutions in context


 , reading

noun leaving
loun neaving

 oul  eaving

the building of investigation reflecting the numbered surface

 , limbs and fairynumbers
 instructing the growing lines

 sunscaping elea

a field of number

 , on arms
 n on legs
   on four

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

 7 8 9 0

the departure to leaving
the entry to entering

 , extending beyond the area
 the firled filled file
 field of number

 , stretching visiblein surface

  , crawling and shifting their tail and tails

  , dindenting 

between entering and leaving
 , physical state of affairs

 entry and departure

