text in between pages and images


shells i said
 , might become a book of mounts and saturns
 no suns to the seas evolved

and ominous traits eager of seldom 

draping down the luminous ink

planets of landscapes
 , dividing the visible into rags and foils
 in front and after insipid stains

 bold the matter of signs

layers caped and words listed
 , compared to each other
 comparing the other

answering the striving fields of propagating identity
 , in one field

  , location

speech directed
 , a word absorbed
 befalling you


" the thought to understand "

 , salt-evaporating-water


planetary gravity to tiptoe the madness of soil
 , expanding time 
 verifying growth

 signing the fixer 

anything spoken does


internal and external lines with rectangles


round water with corners
 , in world

both directions present
 , both dispersed bodies


raising doubt
 , reasonable doubt
 and beyond

caught in selves
caught in shelves
 , caught

and beyond

 , internal and external lines

 fluvial beings

rendering the watering roundness

espejo de vidrio

 , the stained glass spring floor
 light traversing
 itself in doubt

salty suns
 , one beyond the other
 accumulating heat and fender

the radiate block liquefied rounding
 , replicating to water 

evaporating to forms of dividing landscapes
 , repetitional structures
 prepared materializing

around water liquid and suns

 , in between

 internal and external lines within rectangles



dispersed body in body dispersed




 , collecting bodies and surfaces

and collections in collections
 , insieme recollecting

the subject of color
 , refracting
 the verb

presence of body without being there
 , thoughtlike
 manifestation actually

surface and background and inside
 , the wall of border
 the surface
 the background
 the inside

undone body
cohesive loss

growing shell
 , forming shell
 deforming shell

 body dispersed

dispersed body in body
body in body dispersed

 , body in body dispersed
   , body



other corners outside one to nine


en dehors
 , first to ninth

 number adjective 

outside one yellow

inside two orange

outside three red

inside four purple

outside five blue

inside six green



 , side one to nine
 same corners equal

 ' running light '


zero to nine and back three, six corners


 , corners

 ' conrens & rencons '

yellow distributed to one

orange distributed to two

red distributed to three

purple distributed to four

blue distributed to five

green distributed to six

more than corners
 , the rest solved

 o/e the matching letters
 and one too manyless
  , surless

dropping corners in corners

 , hooked


nine natural and unnatural things from zero


two absent things
 , from or about zero

 two one of natural and unnatural

and one two of natural and unnatural

nautical system

from one or about zero
 , circumventing

two things absent
 , amongst
 nature and unnature

one or about two plurals
 , overwrenching

inserting the absent surface
on one or two
of things around zero

the said and unsaid
 , natural and annatarul
 from about zero to more or less
  , gone

only surface
around nine
and two less

 , culminating to zero


nine one-things


one thing

and nine little others


context of several sketches


usual halfway
 , somewhere between mid-air
 recursive inbetween


each that word
 , an image that writing
 gradient meaning burdened in 

splitting self
 , into splitting selves

three components organs
 , becoming four

is minus 1
 in regal sight

plus one in seconds to date
 , masked
